Some day, I want to run a marathon with Jack.
If you've run a marathon before, you know the gamut of emotions that you go through as you cover those 26.2 miles. It is, as Emil Zatopek said, an experience - from happiness to fear to struggle and back to happiness again. To share all of those feelings, to live that experience, with one of the people who I love most in the world would be nothing short of magical for me.
I have to believe that Jack has a marathon in him. At three years old, he has the determination to run 1/4 mile, which is a lot if you're only 40 inches tall, and as his mother, I am all too familiar with his stubbornness when there's something he wants, all good traits for a marathoner. More importantly, look at the joy on his face in this picture:

That is the face of a person who loves to run.
I know it may be a few years before Jack's ready to do 26.2 with me. If we tried right now, chances are I'd have to figure out a way to bring the portable DVD player with us so he wouldn't get bored, or we'd end up arguing about whether or not to run the race carrying lightsabers. And really, anyone who throws such a big fit about getting his toenails cut that he gets a nosebleed (this actually happened on Monday) isn't quite ready for the prospect of losing a toenail altogether.
But my dream is that one day, when my best little guy isn't so little any more, he and I will cross the finish line of a marathon together. And he'll be an even better pacer than George Clooney.
Even though my mom and I often only run a mile or so together, we talk about more during that mile (and go deeper) than at any other time. Makes me think the family that runs together truly stays close...I'm looking forward to your dream coming true, for you and Jack!
Just tell him he needs to run a quarter mile 105 times. Little kids typically have no real sense of numbers, time or scale, so this should work well! Maybe I'll take this approach for my next one, come to think of it...
he's so little!!!! and he loves to run already?! look at him go! :) this is a great wish. and such a cutie pie!
Awesome wish!
That was such a great post, I had to work hard to suppress the urge to shed a tear! Seriously. I hope he has it in him to run it with you one day!
Aw, what a wonderful dream! He sure looks like he's got the bug already.
That's a great post & a wonderful wish :)
That's an awesome wish, one that could come true. Certainly gives you a reason to focus and stay healthy.
That is a great dream -- I have strong feeling it will come true. And I think you should go for the light sabers!
That is a great wish, you have such a cute son, hope he doesn't grow up too fast!
What a cute lil man!! Get him a light sabre and let him run wild!!
Awesome dream!
He's so cute. The Boy like the races where we get to run together. Running is such a great gift to give our kids.
That is sooo sweet. Omg, wouldn't that be awesome to run a marathon with your child? *sniff*
I've run 3 half marathons and one full marathon with my son. It is every bit as wonderful as you think it might be. We didn't carry light sabers, but we did wear mouse ears!
So sweet!
I'm sure it's just a matter of time =)
That's a great dream! I'd love to run with one of my boys some day. I run with my dad every chance I get and I love the stuff we talk about when we're out. I'd probably list running a cool race with my dad as my "running dream", but my parents read my blog and my mom would flip if I even hinted my dad should do even a half marathon with me LOL.
That's the cutest thing!! I'd give him a little time but that will be great, and totally doable. I see you want to run boston. It's been my dream so I'm super excited for this!
Thanks for joining the group on RL.. I'm just getting into it!
I wanted to finish the philly marathon a couple of weeks ago with my little person in tow. I did half but was too wimpy to get 2 medals, one for the little guy/girl too. I was so dreaming to do the full. Oh well. I really like your goal.
I responded to your post on RL.
What if us older children want to run with lightsabers? That doesn't sound half bad, and you could definitely move some people out of the way!
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