Thursday, October 30, 2008

If I Could Turn Back Time

This week's Take It and Run Thursday challenges us runners to "Choose Your Superpower." As a comic book fan, obviously, this is something I've given some thought to. If I were a superhero, my powers would definitely include flight (because why be a superhero if you can't fly), my costume would be red and would include pants (so no one got a free show while I was flying overhead) and would have a cape because that would look cool rippling in the wind.

But, for practical purposes, I am a mom, which means that I am already a superhero. See? Look at me as Elasticgirl last Hallowwn:

As a mom, my superpowers include the ability to find lost objects (Jack, Roary is on the couch in the living room, under the Mickey Mouse blanket, and Steve, the honey mustard salad dressing is in the door of the fridge, second shelf, in the back, towards the left), cure boo boos,
make Roary's tail tiny, create a healthy meal out of whatever random stuff we have in the house, remember when Jack's homework is due, not to mention the whole bit about working full time, training for marathons, going on dates with my husband, and still having time for lightsaber battle-fights.

Maybe I don't need super powers... but I could use a little magic.

In Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban, my girl Hermione uses a magic necklace called a Time Turner. The necklace has an hourglass, and for each time you turn it, you go back in time an hour. Hermione, overachiever that she is, uses it so that she can take more classes.

If I had a Time Turner of my own, I'd use it so that I had just a little more time in every day. If I was out running, a twist of the necklace would give me the time to turn a five mile run into a ten mile run without sacrificing any time doing the other things I have to do. I'd be able to give myself a little extra time on nights that I'm scrambling to get dinner on the table. Or, on weekends, to take a nap or see a movie. Everything would be just a little bit easier.

Also, I could still fly.


Julianne said...

This is a good one!! I'm always telling my husband, if I could just go back in time to change one little thing or do one more something... I totally understand!! It'd be so cool if I had little extra time that no one else had!

joyRuN said...

Ah yes - more time! Gotta have it :)

I think the Time Turner would be cool too to revisit the kids' baby times. It went so fast, & it would help to remember how adorable they were when they're being so NOT adorable.

Laura said...

Your Time Turner idea is way more well-thought out than my 27 hour day idea. I love it!

Joe said...

I meant to put lightsaber fights in my list too, but didn't think it would look as good since I don't have kids. :)

More time is always a good thing...


tfh said...

I'm not sure how you manage to do all that WITHOUT a Time Turner. Also, your family wins the prize for Best Halloween Costumes!

X-Country2 said...

Total points for the adorable costumes!

Great time idea. Although I'd probably waste it on America's Next Top Model marathons instead of being productive.

The Laminator said...

Totally cute and well thought out.

Maybe I can borrow your Time Turner during my marathon. I don't need an hour...just maybe a five or ten minute stoppage of time would really be all I need. Haha!

Wonderful post.

Aileen said...

Oooooooooooo that would be a sweet power!

Felice Devine said...

Yeah, a Time Turner would rock!

Love your current superpowers, though.

RooBabs said...

Great idea! Although if I had more time, I would probably waste it on doing silly stuff, not productive stuff (just like if I had more money).

BTW, the story about the tiny tail cracked me up!

Carly said...

Ohhhh that would be a great power to have. Your current superpowers amaze me!

Anonymous said...

You know, the only thing I sometimes feel bad about while running the longer ones is that I should be "present" for my children during that time. (There's a lot to be said for giving them their own space, however...) Hermione's TT would solve that. I'd go for it, definitely.

Maggs said...

Great post...more time in the day would be awesome