Last night, as soon as I got home, Steve told me that Jack's class is having a Valentine's Day party. He will be bringing Valentines (likely Spider-Man) to all of his friends, but more importantly, there is a sign-up sheet on the door for parents to volunteer to bring treats. Two parents had already volunteered and were bringing Jell-O and cupcakes. Steve felt it was very important that "we" sign up right away so that all of the good stuff wasn't taken already. This amused me, since I do believe that we all know, per official Stately Wasser Manor Division Of Labor, I will be in charge of whatever treats Jack brings.
I signed up for sugar cookies. I have a nice set of heart-shaped cookie cutters, and it would be a shame to let them, and an opportunity to stuff a bunch of 1-2 year old kids with icing and sprinkles, go to waste. The only question remaining is if I get ambitious enought to actually decorate the cookies beyond icing and sprinkles. A perverse part of me is tempted to put each kid's name on his or her cookie. Time will tell if, on February 13, I actualy feel ambitious enough to do this.

Speaking of cookies, we watched part of an episode of
Sesame Street last night. I think that Cookie Monster is getting funnier. He showed us the Letter of the Day cookie (F) and said, "Now, usually, me try not to eat Letter of Day cookie. But me always eat cookie. Me know it. You know it. Today, me not try to do otherwise." Cookie Monster then invited us, "Step into me office." There, he had an easel on which he drew a copy of the Letter of the Day cookie "So that you get educational opportunity and me get delicious cookie." Brilliant! Of course, Cookie Monster ended up eating both the cookie and his cookie drawing, but I still appreciate his efforts.