My friend Tim, a recent convert to running, said that he always thinks about striking a pose as he crosses the finish line. He's partial to the Rocky:

and wonders, as a newbie runner, if it's appropriate. I told him that it's not only appropriate, but encouraged, but the more I think about it, there are some etiquette standards for victory poses when crossing the finish line. When Tim finished his first half marathon, then hell yes, he should rock the Rocky, but when I put in a solid effort at that four mile race, it would have been a tad much.
When can runners pull a victory pose like the Rocky, or its two armed variant? It's time to write the unwritten rules:
DO: Any time you finish a race of 13.1 miles or greater. You just accomplished something that most people will never do. I don't care how long it took you to finish that marathon; if you can get your arms over your head, do. Feel the triumph!
DON'T: When finishing an easy 3 mile training run around your neighborhood.
DO: After you set a hard-won PR. If you've been working your butt off to break 30 minutes (or 21 or 15 or 45 or whatever) in a 5K, and you just did it? Celebrate!
DON'T: If you took a walk break 20 meters ago and then just broke into a sprint to cross the finish line? People noticed it and we're not impressed.
DO: Just finished your first ever race? Welcome to the fraternity, my friend. Hoist your arms!
DON'T: If you just barely squeaked past another runner, then good job kicking it in, but throwing a Rocky seems like rubbing it in.
What about you? When do you think you can throw a victory pose?
Seems fair enough. I also like to throw up the Rocky pose throughout the day (making it to work with the fuel light on, grilling the perfect burger, etc.)
Also appropriate for kids to do it whenever they take part in an event...
Any time you end up DFL by a long one and didn't quit...
I've done it in training runs before. I find those sometimes more deserving of a pose than a race. It takes a lot more motivation to run when you're not getting a medal and applause at the end! :)
When I finished my first marathon I had BOTH hands way over my head fist pumping away! I worked so hard for that moment that I didn't care what was captured on a picture or what people thought of me. I was a marathoner and I wanted my hands in the air!!
Hilarious! Thanks for the tips, I would hate to do it at an inappropriate time although some training runs feel like they need a pose :)
Throw it down whenever you want. Who cares if you look silly.
I would think you could throw a victory pose after any marathon. Or during. Or before.
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