Lately, the song "Going on a Bear Hunt" has been running through my head... but with some slightly different words. Sing it with me!
I'm going on a long run.
I'm gonna run a big one!
I'm going on a long run.
I'm not afraid!
Ooh, looky!
What is that?
It's a swamp-uh!
Can't go over it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
We gotta go through it!
I did indeed encounter a swamp on a recent long run. I was out with my running club a few days after a rain that would best be described as "monsoon-like." The path was still covered with puddles, patches of mud, and so on. The miles flew by as I'd come across a new obstacle and decide if the mud/water/gunk was too deep to run through.
One of the times I decided that it was too deep, I veered to the right hand side of the path. The other runners had the opposite instinct and went left.
I chose wrong.
Within seconds, I was sloshing through swampy long grass, soaking my feet up to my ankles, and giving my three-day old running shoes (Brooks Adrenaline, btw) some character. Everyone had a good laugh.
I'm going on a long run.
I'm gonna run a big one!
I'm going on a long run.
I'm not afraid!
Ooh, looky!
What is that?
It's a hill-uh!
Can't go through it.
Can't go under it.
Can't go around it.
We gotta go up it!
For this week's long run, we started at a different park than usual. My fellow
Then I remembered that in order to get back to our picnic shelter, my car, and my Oxysox, I would have to go up a gigantic hill.
I'd given those 10 miles everything I had, and Internet, my calves were burning. Still, I thought about the popsicles and watermelon that were waiting for me, and I climbed that hill.
As runners, we learn to meet obstacles head-on. We learn how strong we are, and we learn that when something daunting is ahead of us, we can confidentlly say, "I'm not afraid!"
Plus, no better way to end a work out than with a hill climb! At least, that's what I'm told.
I swear my dd's camp group was "bear hunting" just as I arrived to pick her up today--too funny! Sorry about the soggy Brooks.
I was cracking up because we listen to a whole lot of Greg and Steve in our house.
Sounds like you had a good run despite the run in with the mud.
Take care and best of luck with your training. And never forget that you are really (F)ast! Couldn't help myself.
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